Welcome to The Undivulged

At The Undivulged, we believe that hidden treasures in literature deserve to be brought to light. Join us in exploring and sharing undiscovered literary masterpieces.


Wow! Just wow. We are afraid this will be a low-key first blog post and definitely shorter than what is to come for this spot next. This spot will be where all of our reviews for our wonderful gems will be held. If you haven't checked out our about section in the website we 100% urge you to do so now. Now if you are one of those readers who never turn the page back, we understand don't worry. Our goal here is to urge readers to send us their favorite book recs but not just any book. specifically we are looking for the lesser known authors or even your own manuscripts. We all know that books get their light in small suburban book clubs, think of this as your in to a book club! Simple, at no cost whatsoever. We will read the books and post the reviews here. As we get more people and more recommendations the more the reviews will come! We look forward to the journey you send us on! - The team at Undivulged

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